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Boudoir photography Tips
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What Should You Wear to Your Boudoir Session?
11 Questions you Need to Ask your Boudoir Photographer
What is a Boudoir session? How is it a Monumental Experience?
I'm a Los Angeles-based Boudoir photographer. As a sexual assault survivor, I have been on my own empowerment journey. And now, as a Boudoir photographer, I want to help other women embrace their bodies and sensuality.
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with your body. No one is going to be able to appreciate it the way you are. And your confidence should not depend on someone else. Beyond that, your relationship to your physical appearance affects your emotional and spiritual connection with your body. So throughout this blog post, I am going to be outlining ten actionable steps to fall in-love with your body and foster the sense of appreciation and acceptance you and your body deserves.
Yeah, I know this one sounds like bullshit. Every guru you find online will tell you that self-compassion is critical and when you are in a rut it sounds like utter baloney. But, there is wisdom to it. You can’t improve your relationship with your body or fall in-love with it, if you are always berating it. Think of it like a romantic partner. If you are always criticizing them for their shortcomings and reminding them of each and every last one, they will never overcome them and be able to move past them. Because each time you bring it up they are going to think about what they do not have rather than appreciate who they are and leave space to work on areas they might be lacking in. And go into this practice knowing it is going to be far easier said than done.
So, here is what I want you to do. Every day in the morning and at night, tell yourself five things you love about your body and five reasons you appreciate your body.
And remember this, who you are and what you look like, is what someone else dreams of looking like. And lastly, nobody is perfect, and no one thinks fondly of their entire being (and if someone says hey do they’re lying). So embrace your imperfections!
Now, I am the last person who is going to tell you to diet, moderate your calorie intake, keep a food diary, or any of that crap. But what I will say is that what you eat does make a difference to how you feel. Ensuring you are eating enough food regardless of how it affects your appearance is so so so important. For years, I struggled with disordered eating and because of that my body stores fat and does not metabolize food as quickly as I want it to. But just because I have a slow metabolism does not mean by body does not need the same amount of nutrients.
So instead, prioritize healthier snacks and meals and responding to your body’s cues. And actually enjoying what you are eating, can make a massive difference. If you are forcing yourself to eat foods you dislike, you will not enjoy the food and eating will become a hassle.
Don’t exercise because other people are telling you to and don’t do it with weight loss in mind. Do it, because it makes you feel better and healthier. Growing up, my parents emphasized the importance of going to the gym and staying in shape and all it did was make me resent the gym and working out. But since I have moved out on my own, I enjoy going to the gym. It gives me energy boosts and helps me feel confident in my own skin.
Be patient. Physical and emotional changes with the gym are going to take time. It does not have to be the gym either. You can add exercise into your routine through dancing, yoga, hiking, walking around your neighborhood, swimming, honestly the options are endless! And DO NOT compare yourself to anybody else. They simply do not matter. The endorphins that are released during exercise will help your self-esteem and help you fall in-love with your body.
Something I learned the hard way is that your internal dialogue dramatically shifts your self-perception. If you are always hypercritical of yourself, you will never be in-love with who you are or your body. You will always be searching for the areas you are lacking in and criticizing yourself. So instead, shift this inner dialogue and start telling yourself all the ways you are worthy of good things, how beautiful you are inside and out, and naming all of your unique qualities. Over time, this will help you fall more in-love with your body and self and combat any feelings of inadequacy you might have.
Beauty standards teach us to be critical of our bodies and notice what we do not have aka pay attention to where your body is lacking. I want to challenge you to take two minutes every day to be grateful for your body and everything it provides for you. It can be as small as being grateful that it allows you to carry groceries inside or how you are able to taste or see. Cultivating gratitude on all levels will allow you to form deeper connections and appreciate your body in a whole new way!
WHO YOU ARE AROUND MATTERS. If you surround yourself with people who are extremely critical of themselves, you will fall into the same patterns. So, instead surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, are proud of your accomplishments, cherish your uniqueness and want to work on their own self-love. This way, you can grow together and remove any influences in your life who let negativity fester.
I promise i am not secretly your mom. Social media can be an extremely valuable tool for connecting with friends who live elsewhere, but the world of social media is fake and can be extremely detrimental to your confidence. Especially when it comes down to your perception of your body. So many platforms and influencers perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards that are entirely unattainable. And on a subconscious level, these makes us feel inadequate and ugly. So, notice when you come across accounts that fuel these negative beliefs and unfollow them or limit your time on social media. Sadly, if you don’t change what you are constantly seeing, you are never going to stp the never ending spiral that is self-deprecation.
Make self-care a priority. So at least once a week, you are taking time to focus your energy solely on creating a positive relationship between your body and your mind. These activities don’t need to be staring at your body in the mirror and naming every single part you love (although you absolutely can), but they can be activities like taking time to write down everything positive that happened throughout the week. Or even airing out grievances. Here are a few more ideas; bubble baths, reading a book, practicing mindfulness, being intentional with your time and plans for the weekend, going on a weekend walk in nature, enjoying the flowers, spending time outdoors, etc.
There is nothing better for healing your relationship to your body than therapy. Now, don’t start therapy if you aren’t ready to actually do the work. But, truthfully I think therapy is one of the most powerful remedies out there. You can learn so much about your habits and coping mechanisms. And the more you know, the more you are able to counteract them and talk yourself out of spirals. So, if it is something you’ve been thinking about, do it, go for it. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You don’t like the therapist? Well then, find another one. To start your search for a therapist go here!
So, there you have it, ten different strategies to help you fall more in love with your body. Practicing self-compassion, learning how to truly accept yourself, and immerse yourself in communities that help you foster a positive relationship with your body and appreciation for everything it does for you, will help you fall in love with your body. And it will help you gain some confidence! And last but not least remember, loving yourself is a lifelong journey and not something that will happen overnight!
Learn more about women empowerment here!
You'll get an email from me shortly welcoming you to my boudoir badasses!
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I'm a Los Angeles-based Boudoir photographer. As a sexual assault survivor, I have been on my own empowerment journey. And now, as a Boudoir photographer, I want to help other women embrace their bodies and sensuality.
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with your body. No one is going to be able to appreciate it the way you are. And your confidence should not depend on someone else. Beyond that, your relationship to your physical appearance affects your emotional and spiritual connection with your body. So throughout this blog post, I am going to be outlining ten actionable steps to fall in-love with your body and foster the sense of appreciation and acceptance you and your body deserves.
Yeah, I know this one sounds like bullshit. Every guru you find online will tell you that self-compassion is critical and when you are in a rut it sounds like utter baloney. But, there is wisdom to it. You can’t improve your relationship with your body or fall in-love with it, if you are always berating it. Think of it like a romantic partner. If you are always criticizing them for their shortcomings and reminding them of each and every last one, they will never overcome them and be able to move past them. Because each time you bring it up they are going to think about what they do not have rather than appreciate who they are and leave space to work on areas they might be lacking in. And go into this practice knowing it is going to be far easier said than done.
So, here is what I want you to do. Every day in the morning and at night, tell yourself five things you love about your body and five reasons you appreciate your body.
And remember this, who you are and what you look like, is what someone else dreams of looking like. And lastly, nobody is perfect, and no one thinks fondly of their entire being (and if someone says hey do they’re lying). So embrace your imperfections!
Now, I am the last person who is going to tell you to diet, moderate your calorie intake, keep a food diary, or any of that crap. But what I will say is that what you eat does make a difference to how you feel. Ensuring you are eating enough food regardless of how it affects your appearance is so so so important. For years, I struggled with disordered eating and because of that my body stores fat and does not metabolize food as quickly as I want it to. But just because I have a slow metabolism does not mean by body does not need the same amount of nutrients.
So instead, prioritize healthier snacks and meals and responding to your body’s cues. And actually enjoying what you are eating, can make a massive difference. If you are forcing yourself to eat foods you dislike, you will not enjoy the food and eating will become a hassle.
Don’t exercise because other people are telling you to and don’t do it with weight loss in mind. Do it, because it makes you feel better and healthier. Growing up, my parents emphasized the importance of going to the gym and staying in shape and all it did was make me resent the gym and working out. But since I have moved out on my own, I enjoy going to the gym. It gives me energy boosts and helps me feel confident in my own skin.
Be patient. Physical and emotional changes with the gym are going to take time. It does not have to be the gym either. You can add exercise into your routine through dancing, yoga, hiking, walking around your neighborhood, swimming, honestly the options are endless! And DO NOT compare yourself to anybody else. They simply do not matter. The endorphins that are released during exercise will help your self-esteem and help you fall in-love with your body.
Something I learned the hard way is that your internal dialogue dramatically shifts your self-perception. If you are always hypercritical of yourself, you will never be in-love with who you are or your body. You will always be searching for the areas you are lacking in and criticizing yourself. So instead, shift this inner dialogue and start telling yourself all the ways you are worthy of good things, how beautiful you are inside and out, and naming all of your unique qualities. Over time, this will help you fall more in-love with your body and self and combat any feelings of inadequacy you might have.
Beauty standards teach us to be critical of our bodies and notice what we do not have aka pay attention to where your body is lacking. I want to challenge you to take two minutes every day to be grateful for your body and everything it provides for you. It can be as small as being grateful that it allows you to carry groceries inside or how you are able to taste or see. Cultivating gratitude on all levels will allow you to form deeper connections and appreciate your body in a whole new way!
WHO YOU ARE AROUND MATTERS. If you surround yourself with people who are extremely critical of themselves, you will fall into the same patterns. So, instead surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, are proud of your accomplishments, cherish your uniqueness and want to work on their own self-love. This way, you can grow together and remove any influences in your life who let negativity fester.
I promise i am not secretly your mom. Social media can be an extremely valuable tool for connecting with friends who live elsewhere, but the world of social media is fake and can be extremely detrimental to your confidence. Especially when it comes down to your perception of your body. So many platforms and influencers perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards that are entirely unattainable. And on a subconscious level, these makes us feel inadequate and ugly. So, notice when you come across accounts that fuel these negative beliefs and unfollow them or limit your time on social media. Sadly, if you don’t change what you are constantly seeing, you are never going to stp the never ending spiral that is self-deprecation.
Make self-care a priority. So at least once a week, you are taking time to focus your energy solely on creating a positive relationship between your body and your mind. These activities don’t need to be staring at your body in the mirror and naming every single part you love (although you absolutely can), but they can be activities like taking time to write down everything positive that happened throughout the week. Or even airing out grievances. Here are a few more ideas; bubble baths, reading a book, practicing mindfulness, being intentional with your time and plans for the weekend, going on a weekend walk in nature, enjoying the flowers, spending time outdoors, etc.
There is nothing better for healing your relationship to your body than therapy. Now, don’t start therapy if you aren’t ready to actually do the work. But, truthfully I think therapy is one of the most powerful remedies out there. You can learn so much about your habits and coping mechanisms. And the more you know, the more you are able to counteract them and talk yourself out of spirals. So, if it is something you’ve been thinking about, do it, go for it. What’s the worst thing that can happen? You don’t like the therapist? Well then, find another one. To start your search for a therapist go here!
So, there you have it, ten different strategies to help you fall more in love with your body. Practicing self-compassion, learning how to truly accept yourself, and immerse yourself in communities that help you foster a positive relationship with your body and appreciation for everything it does for you, will help you fall in love with your body. And it will help you gain some confidence! And last but not least remember, loving yourself is a lifelong journey and not something that will happen overnight!
Learn more about women empowerment here!
Women Empowerment
Boudoir photography Tips
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Featured posts
What Should You Wear to Your Boudoir Session?
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my personal experience I grew up with extremely unrealistic Eurocentric beauty standards that taught me I was unattractive and that I should not love my body. As I have grown up, I have learned just how important it is to cultivate love for ourselves and fall in-love with […]
10 Steps to Fall In-Love with Your Body
Boudoir Photography in Los Angeles: The Simple Path to Empower Yourself
What is a Boudoir session? How is it a Monumental Experience?
I'm a Los Angeles-based Boudoir photographer. As a sexual assault survivor, I have been on my own empowerment journey. And now, as a Boudoir photographer, I want to help other women embrace their bodies and sensuality.